Monday, October 26, 2009

Volunteer build, 21 October, Tembisa

Captions from left to right: the painting team, Pastor Alan and Xana in green t-shirts with their team and the other block laying team.

Double blessing for residents of Tembisa
Despite their busy schedule, 15 volunteers from the US-based Joel Osteen Ministries set aside a morning to help build houses in Tembisa, Gauteng on 21 October. The group was introduced to the project by Pastor Alan and Xana McCauley from Rhema Hands of Compassion. They along with five HOC staff also participated in the build.
As the day was short, the three teams worked hard and remained focussed on the task at hand. Two of the teams were mixing dagha and laying bricks, while the third team was painting the house to be handed over at the end of the day.
After lunch and a quick Q&A session on the housing situation and process in South Africa, the JO group prayed for the Rhema group and their continuing partnership and commitment to the housing project in general.
Elias Faba was the beneficiary that received his house at the end of the build, which he received in memory of his late wife, who passed away last month. He told Pastor Alan that this would have mean't so much for her to have lived long enough to see this special day. Elias and his family of five children have lived in a shack for 19 years. His new house will be full with all five children and his grandchildren living there. He is happy to move into his new house as he believes it will change his life and that his family will live a better life.
Several of the JO volunteers expressed that this had been a 'life changing experience'. A life changing experience for Elias as well!
"Thank you. It was an honor and pleasure to help build the homes. My life will never be the same. We will keep in touch. God bless you all and the work you are doing there" - Daidra Greathouse.
Caption: Elias Faba, the beneficiary, standing with two of his sons.

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