The group of volunteers that participated in the Tsiba/NMTT build.
To celebrate its' 5th anniversary, Tsiba University selected the Niall Mellon Township Trust as one of its five 'Paying it Forward' projects to support this year.
A total of 150 volunteers from Tsiba, Northwestern University (USA), GR8 Events, 1st Contact, Metropolitan Health and several individuals, participated in a house build on Saturday, 25 July in Mfuleni, Cape Town.
All wishes for good weather were answered and everyone enjoyed a warm day. The group was divided into 20 teams, and tasked with building internal walls and painting of several houses. The teams were widely distributed and it took some running around to get them all watered and photographed.
A good deal of skills transfer was done during the day and several volunteers said they had a new respect for construction labourers.As always, the highlight of the day was the house handover, which Shanaaz' team had painted and cleaned. The beneficiary, Veronica Boy, stood before the big crowd and accepted the key from two Tsiba students and one representative from Metropolitan Health, Anisha Naidoo.
Veronica Boy, the beneficiary from the Tsiba house handover. She will be living with her partner and three children.
We would like to thank all the volunteers who believe in 'Paying it Forward' and wish that what goes around comes around!
Mandy Wallace, SA Volunteer Co-ordinator
Noeki Gous, SA Blitz Manager
Morne Henderson, SA Blitz Co-ordinator
Noeki Gous, SA Blitz Manager
Morne Henderson, SA Blitz Co-ordinator